We host technology, methodological know-how, archiving expertise, and a wide range of research projects. Lab activities are centered around the humanities with research targeting issues of communication, culture, cognition and learning, but many projects are interdisciplinary and conducted in collaboration with the social sciences, medicine, the natural sciences, engineering, and e-Science.We have partners and collaborators locally (Lund University), nationally and internationally. The Lab is a vibrant and dynamic environment enabling scholars in the humanities to combine traditional and novel methods, and to interact with other disciplines in order to meet the scientific challenges ahead to understand, explain and improve the human condition.
A system for multiple use
We use the Qualisys system in a multitude of setups – from researchers studying body language and gestures, to teams who enhance the movement of digital characters in virtual environments. It has also been used for studying intangible heritage in terms of craftsmanship of different kind.

Our current setup consists of eight high-speed infrared cameras (Oqus5+), one video camera (Oqus 210c) and one recording computer. The system is able to record movements at a very high speed. The video camera is synchronized with the mocap cameras so the resulting video can have a overlay of the markers.
The software used is Qualisys track manager for recording and some post processing, Blender or MotionBuilder for applying the data to virtual characters, or several other software like Python, C# or Unity 3D for analyzing and visualizing the data files.
The use of the mocap system in the Lab has steadily increased, and currently a range of projects now use the system. For example, some projects use mocap to build virtual language users, in order to explore gesture-speech integration. Other projects have used the system to examine the movements of patients with knee injuries. All in all, we are very pleased with the performance of the system and the responsive support we get from Qualisys.
Henrik Garde