• Delsys
  • Noraxon
  • Cometa/Myon
  • Motion Lab Systems
EMG - feature photo

Digital & analog EMG support

Qualisys Track Manager collects EMG data in two ways; either digital connection or using analog output, which requires an analog board. Digital support currently exists for the Delsys Trigno, Cometa Wave, Myon aktos and Noraxon Ultium, TeleMyo 2400T G2 EMG, TeleMyo DTS Belt Receiver and DTS Desk Receiver.

Export .TSV

Export 3D/6DOF/force/analog data to tab separated value files, for analysis in for example Microsoft Excel.

Analog and Digital Integration

Data can be calculated from the analog signals or via digital integration1

MATLAB & LabVIEW export

Export 3D/6DOF/force/analog data to MATLAB and LabVIEW for further analysis.

Hardware Sync + + + +
QTM Integration + + + +
Analog Integration + + + +
Digital Integration + + +
IMU option available + + +

Watch to learn how to integrate the EMG devices

Want to know more about EMG integrations?

For more information on Qualisys’ EMG integration capabilities, contact our sales or support staff by clicking the link below. Alternatively, read more about Delsys, Noraxon, Cometa/Myon, and Motion Lab Systems by visiting their websites.

Delsys website     Cometa/Myon website      Noraxon website    Motion Lab Systems website

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